Claim your Superpower Workshop
A Writers Workshop for Every Soul
When: October 30, 2021
Where: Springfield, Illinois
Cost: $175 (members receive a 20% discount)
CHI Aspiring Authors Writing Series
Do you have questions about publishing a book, or writing for personal clarity?
How can I tell if my story is good enough to publish?
Do I need to hire someone to format my book if I’m uploading it to Amazon?
My life has had some amazing turns and I want to share my story, but I don’t know how to start. Where do I begin?
How do I get my book out there once it’s written?
What are the elements that make a good story?
I’ve heard journaling can change your life. Is this true? I don’t think I’m doing it right What does it really entail?
And especially…
May I have feedback on what I’ve written so far?
The answer to that last one is the easiest- Yes! For this workshop, we will critique your submitted work (up to 3,000 words) and then do our best to answers ALL of these questions, plus more.
Crystal Heart Imprints (CHI) has authors, designers, proofreaders and artists who eagerly share their hard-earned lessons. As a Co-Operative Publishing House (LLC), we believe everyone has a place at the table to write and share their story with the world, and to also be of help to others. There is no lesson that is too small- your experience with time spent writing may be of tremendous help to another, even your frustrations. And your wins or thoughtful encouragements can inspire others to do more than they thought possible. We are in this, together.
Join us for a full day of workshops set in a beautiful space
just outside the city limits of Springfield Illinois.
How to craft a solid beginning
Why you need to delve into memoir writing
Developing solid characters
What science says about journaling
Creating a plot arc
Amazon changes and opportunities
Building a world with rules
Highs and Lows to keep reader interest
Writing in surprises
Wrapping it all up
The difference in fiction and non-fiction storytelling
What is a memoir
- Who can write
- Who should write one -
Step-by-step process so you can begin today
What to do before you write one word
Setting solid goals and manifesting your book
Fundamental requirements
What is a launch team
Tips and tricks for publishing your book with KDP (Amazon)
Benefits and cost of hiring a professional designer- what you need to know to make that decision
How to use journaling for clarity
Writing the words that need to be shared, even when difficult
Six full workshops covering:
Beginning, Middle and End: The Writer’s Journey with Ruth Souther
Memoirs- Everything You Need to Know with Don O’Neal
Superpower Journaling- Ideas for Impassioned Writing with Sharron Magyar
Tips and Tricks for Publishing your Book on Amazon with Pam Daniel
Changes, Opportunities & Wisdom for Writers with Terri Woodliff
Q&A with the Board of Directors of CHI
9:00 A.M. CHI Welcome!
9:30- 10:20 Writing Workshop
Beginning, Middle and End: The Writer’s Journey (Ruth Souther)
A powerful story begins with a ‘catch’ (or dilemma) to get the reader’s attention, continues with the journey to solve the dilemma and finally the resolution that completes the story. Whether you are writing fiction or non-fiction, the path is the same: to keep a reader interested. How many books have you put down because they were boring or over-stated? This workshop is based on The Writer’s Journey by Christopher Vogler and Joseph Campbell’s The Hero with a Thousand Faces.
Learn more about Ruth HERE and enjoy her books on Epic Fantasy, Spiritual Awakenings, Tarot Studies.
10:30- 11:20 A.M. Memoir Workshop
Memoir Writing & Discussion (Don O’Neal)
This hands-on discussion will answer: What is a memoir? Who can write one? Who shouldwrite one? Why you should do this. Don presents a realistic, simple step-by-step process that you can utilize to get started with just a pencil, paper, and your memory.
Learn more about Don HERE and enjoy his books on a life well lived, plus timeless wisdom.
11:30- 12:20 P.M. Journaling Workshop
Superpower Journaling: Ideas for Impassioned Writing (Sharron Magyar)
Are you wondering how to allow yourself to be vulnerable with your writing? Expressive journaling is writing focused on the writer’s experiences, thoughts, and feelings. Reflective journaling enables the writer to gain mental clarity, validate experiences and come to a deeper understanding of him/herself. It can also be used to express difficult material or access previously inaccessible material. Sometimes “what is not said.” is expressed through our writing and is important.
Learn more about Sharron HERE and enjoy her very powerful and personal story. Her next book will be available before the end of this year!
12:30 Submitted Material Returned to You
12:45- 1:45 Catered Lunch with Vegan Options from Chipotle
2:00- 2:50 P.M. KDP Presentation
Tips and tricks for publishing your book with Amazon’s KDP (Pam Daniel)
KDP is what we prefer to use, at CHI. There are options for how much you wish to do yourself. Pam will share her professional skills in methods you may choose to use to format the design of your book, make sure you’re aware of the required formatting decisions, plus the benefits and cost of hiring a professional designer. She’ll also share her secrets of helpful computer software.
Learn more about Pam’s professional skills HERE
3:00- 3:50 P.M. CHI Wisdom: Important Things We've Learned the Hard Way
Changes, Opportunities & Wisdom for Writers (Terri Woodliff)
Amazon’s KDP has added a new way to share your stories- Kindle Vella. We’ll discuss this new return to an old favorite of serial writing. Then we focus on what you absolutely must dobefore you write one single word to save yourself hours of editing time later. What is the difference between hiring a proofreader, a line editor and a copy editor? Should you do it yourself? (The answer to that is, don’t fear it. Make it an informed choice, but know it is something you can do.) After briefly reviewing the overlooked grammar rules we see most often, we’ll move quickly into tips for setting yourself and your writing goals up for success. Bonus segment on how the pros advertise!
Learn more about Terri HERE and enjoy her fiction series in the Cozy Witch Mystery genre.
4:00- 4:15 Personal Experience
Hard-Earned Lessons
Sharron shares her real-world experience and her timely, thoughtful words of advice.
4:15- 5:00 Q&A
Exact direction will be sent after registration. The event will be held on private land set up for public and private events in an art building, surrounded by natural beauty.

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